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Our Services

What We Do Best

Freshlemo have a thorough understanding of the digital market as it knows all those steps and activities that deliver online visibility benefits to websites or businesses.

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Marketing Can Be Overwhelming. The Good News Is, You Have Options.

Brand Design & Strategy

Brand Design can be defined as one of the crucial marketing practices of creating the Brand Identity.

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Branding is all about a product/service personality building exercise. We are brand strategists, essentially grooming brands to have their set of values and beliefs to stand out and thrive in the market. We use brand development strategies and brand marketing strategies to help build the brand. We initiate brand workshops with our prospective clients to deeply understand their business objectives.

Our combined skills of ‘Strategic thinking’ and ‘Design thinking’ empowers us to provide comprehensive brand solutions. Furthermore, our decades of practical experience in the industry taught us how to build ‘influential brands. Henceforth, our in-house strategy and design skills capable us produce powerful brands.



Social Media Management

Social media gives your company the ability to interact with your current & potential customers in a comfortable way

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Social media gives your company the ability to interact with your current and potential customers in a comfortable setting. social media continues to grow every day, and it changes the way we interact with one another, the way we think, and the way we live. We are experts at using Social Media Management (SMM) to effectively market your brand, with a distinct focus on positive exposure and positive reputation.

We monitor the various social media platforms to discover what your target audience is talking about you. We look out for mentions through active social media listening. We target a specific set of audiences by showing them relevant ads. At the same time, we continuously analyze the results of the campaign with analytics tools.

The Core Pillars of Social Media Marketing

  • Strategy
  • Planning and Publishing
  • Listening and Engagement
  • Analytics
  • Advertising

Audience Analytics

Audience analytics is a system that allows brands to gain a deeper understanding of their current and potential customers.

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As a media company we use different sources to support audience analytics and to learn more about the types of content viewers are seeking out and the way they consume it. These include:

  • Demographics information — customers’ age, gender, income level, occupation, ethnicity, marital status and more.
  • Social media activity — your strategy must match your objectives, curate or create content that educates and entertains, consistency.
  • Device usage — related to the specific platform or endpoint used to view and consume media.
  • Use of media sources — is including magazines, newspaper, television shows, online activity, and other media channels.
  • Third-party data sources — which can encompass personal interviews, surveys, and studies that help show the habits, opinions, and tastes of viewers.
  • Advertising data — are such as the types of campaigns used, locations and other details.


Search Engine Optimization

Are you looking for SEO services? Do you wish to see your website rank at the top of the search engine results?

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Are you looking for SEO services? Do you wish to see your website rank at the top of the search engine results? Freshlemo Marketing can do it for you. Our best SEO brains will design a business-driven strategy for sure-shot results.
When it comes to Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Our SEO Services will help your website for short and long-term SEO success, website traffic, and conversion growth.

SEO is a method used to get the higher rank of your website on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). It is a fact that search engine provides traffic to your website but the ranking is the initiative of SEO. We offer professional SEO services in Pune as well as other parts of the country and the globe.


Our highly talented SEO professionals aim at providing top search engine ranking to your website which will, in turn, generate more qualified leads for your website. They will look into every aspect regarding the structure of your website and outreach your niche network. Our professional SEO services will let you achieve the maximum out of your website. We plan effective strategies for both on-page and off-page SEO.

As an SEO company, we offer professional SEO services that are customized to your specific needs and budget. Our team uses advanced SEO services with the most suitable digital practices, to increase your website traffic & rankings for keywords that drive business to your site.

Freshlemo Marketing understands that every business is unique and has a different niche. That’s why our SEO services customize an SEO strategy specific to your business needs.

Copywriting & Strategy

We write effective marketing and promotional materials that motivate people to take action.

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If you can leverage your writing to tell a compelling story while convincing customers of the need for your product, there is no limit to the growth your business can experience.

Workshops & Training

Digital Marketing Training helps to enhance your organization’s digital capabilities.

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Digital Marketing Corporate Training helps to enhance your organization’s digital capabilities. Our training ensures your team has the relevant digital skills and takes charge of all digital platforms with ease. We work with your team to get a clear understanding of your business objectives, training requirements and current digital knowledge to empower your team with proficiency in Digital Marketing.

Website Development

The world has become so fast-paced that people want information at the click of a button. 

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The world has become so fast-paced that people want information at the click of a button. We are a top website design and development agency in Pune.

Freshlemo’s team of experts will design your website to fit exactly what your business needs. We’ll never pretend to know your business better than you – we’ll work with you and make sure that the marketing strategies and design tactics we employ will help you achieve your business goals. The final result will be a website that is easily navigable, aesthetically pleasing, and will help increase your conversions.

Email Marketing

Did you know there are 3x more email accounts than Facebook & Twitter accounts combined?

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Email marketing is the act of sending a commercial message, typically to a group of people,
using email. In its broadest sense, every email sent to a potential or current customer could be considered email marketing. It involves using email to send advertisements, request business, or solicit sales or donations.

Email marketing is a form of marketing that can make the customers on your email list aware of new products, discounts, and other services. It can also be a softer sell to
educate your audience on the value of your brand or keep them engaged between purchases.



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